Fairytale around the campfire
Sit by the crackling fire, under the starry sky, while a narrator tells you legends and stories from our region. Afterwards, we grill sausages on self-carved sticks! (only during summer)
Bedtime stories in the hay
With following romping and hopping around in the fragrant hay!
Face painting
Who do you want to be? Dog, cat, princess or spiderman? Let’s turn you into your favorite character!
Pony riding
Enjoy a ride on the back of pony Charly (please ask your parents to lead Charly)
Let’s cast a line into our Grandma’s pond and catch your own dinner! (June to September)
Hike in the torchlight
A walk through woods and meadows after dinner, with sweet refeshments in between (and a schnapps for your parents)
Family hike
You will be amazed at what there is to discover in our nature. Pony Charly accompanies us and you can take turns riding him. (May to October)
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