Savour your family vacation at Gut Enghagen, in the middle of the Pyhrn-Priel region in Upper Austria. Eight horses and ponies are living a good life here, our herd of Ennnstaler Bergschecken has a great time, Turopolje pigs feel at home at our farm, Austrian shorthaired pinscher Rubi is our housemates. Since summer 2012, even sheep (Alpines Steinschaf), Viennese rabbits and Altsteirer chickens highly enjoy getting fed and petted by our excited and delighted young guests in our children’s farm. All of these animal breeds are protected by the Arche Austria
Unadulterated nature for all senses
Where better to go on your vacation with children than a ArkFarm hotel in Austria?
There is always something going on, there is always something to observe and something new to experience every single day in our hotel with organic farm. Moreover, vacationing with other families, kids and animals strengthens self-esteem and social behaviour, and children get to experience the natural cycle of life—when, for example, calves, lambs, piglets or kittens are born. Plus, it is of course very healthy to spend so much time happily outside!
Assiduous and animal-loving children and adults are invited to help us out on the farm: driving cows, caring for a foster horse, making hay and cleaning out the stables is even more fun when done together. Almost as an aside, the kids learn to take responsibility when they choose a foster horse to take care of during the entire vacation and may even be allowed to ride them or learn how to.
Contact us now and experience a magnificent time!
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