I am a beautiful Austrian warmblood mare, spirited, sweet-natured, and a bit shy. During the rides, I lead the way and show you the paths. This I like better and better each time, since in my younger years, before I came to Gut Enghagen, I was ridden excusively in the dressage arena. Barbara keeps saying: “Sometimes, you see ghosts, Filly!” ;) If you choose me as your foster horse, I might need some time to get to know you, but by then I will definitely enjoy your care.

Some call me the “Pippi Langstrumpf Horse”, but my actual name is Josef. Born in 2012 as an Austrian Noriker horse of the Leopard type, I belong to a protected horse breed. I was broken in here at Gut Enghagen, and in the beginning I used to be a little rascal. ;) Meanwhile, my riders are children as well as adults. Whether on the lunge, at the riding arena or on the rides, I am pretty much always on board. I am much sought-after as foster horse, because there is always enough to do and clean all around me. I’m a real connoisseur and would be purring during a good cleansing massage if I could! I'm hungry most of the time, so please bring me a carrot any time you visit me! :)

I was born at the famous Piber Stud in 2009, where the Lipizzaner for the Spanish Riding School in Vienna have been bred for the last 100 years. The only lucky—3 colored—foal of the entire Lipizzaner breed was given birth by ME! By now I’m a mom of 3 horses. When I came to Enghagen in March 2020, Barbara renamed me “Fanni” straight away—my previous name “Farma 74” didn't suit me that well anyway ;) I was able to complete my training with very good riders. After my maternity leave, I was a little out of shape, but by now, I'm definetly back! I’m sure any mum can relate. When riding, nothing can upset me easily, at the riding arena I have fun with experienced riders and I enjoy being groomed all day long—I love that!

I'm one of four mares at the stable and was born here at Gut Enghagen. My mother, Haflinger mare Stella, gave birth to two foals here, and my dad was a proud thoroughbred stallion from whom I probably got my diligence and temperament. Unfortunately both have died already. I am ridden by many riders on the riding ground or on horseback rides.

I am an Icelandic-Shetty mix and was born in the old stable back in 2005. My mom Jenny lived here too, but has already moved. Many girls find me "so cute" and sometimes braid my great mane so I look like a girl! i am really smart, they even had to extra secure the box or I'll just go my way. I can even do a few circus tricks, for example picking up a hula hoop and placing it around my neck or sitting next to you sharing popcorn. I’m mostly staying at the riding arena or am away on rides. I’m always grateful for some apples or carrots :)

I'm a Huzulen gelding here at the stables and have been living here at Gut Enghagen since 2016. My name is Schoko, which means “chocolate”, because I am of a very beautiful chocolate brown colour. I like quiet riders and horse friends, and children and adult riders alike. I always try to do everything correctly, hence I pay a lot of attention to my rider’s requests. I don’t like water all that much, so whenever we take a trip to the stream, I rather stay at the edge. Most of the time, I'm at the riding area or on horseback rides. On rides out into the grounds, lots of first time outdoor riders feel safe because I don’t always need to be ahead of everyone else.

I was born here at Gut Enghagen as a black horse foal, but by no, I’ve turned almost as white as snow. My mother is a mini pony and my dad is a Shetty, so I’m a mix. I am the youngest horse here in the stable and kids up to the age of 6 can take rides on my back when their parents guide me. At the paddock, I love playing with my friend Jack and when the grass gets too short for me, I just slip beneath the fence and go out looking for more snacks!
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